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THE BEAN BAG / This item is <abridged>
The Bean Bag
A newsletter to promote communication among research scientists
concerned with the systematics of the Leguminosae/Fabaceae
Number 36
November 1992
Conversion of Diacritics and other Non-ASCII Characters
Letters with diacritics are written in this electronic version of the Bean Bag
as a three-character string. The accented letter appears in the third
position in the three-character string preceded by a back slash (\) to mark
the beginning of the diacritic code and one of the following seven symbols to
indicate the type of accent.
Symbols for diacritics
! an acute (with the letters a, A, e, E, i, o, u)
@ a grave (a, e)
# a tilde (a, n, N, o, u)
$ an umlaut (a, e, o, u)
% a circumflex (a, A, e, o, u)
& the Danish slash (o, O)
* the cedilla (c, C)
) the ring (a)
( an hacek (s)
Diacritic combinations
\ diacritic
letter\ acute grave tilde umlaut circumflex Nordic cedilla ring hacek
a \!a \@a \#a \$a \%a \)a
A \!A \%A
c \*c
C \*C
e \!e \@e \$e \%e
E \!E
i \!i
n \#n
N \#N
o \!o \#o \$o \%o \&o
O \$O \&O
s \(s
u \!u \#u \$u \%u
In addition, the digraph or ligature a-e has been written as the following
three-letter string, either '\ae' or '\AE.'
The Bean Bag Directory
Joseph H. Kirkbride, Jr. and John H. Wiersema
In the last few years, the policy of the Bean Bag has been to send out a
Directory listing the Readers, their addresses, and their specialties each
November. The cost of mailing the November issue and directory has been
approximately three times the cost of mailing the May issue. We, like
everyone else in the world, must make our financial resources go farther than
ever before. By altering the Directory, mailing costs can be cut by
approximately 50% per year.
One possibility is to put the Directory on a microfiche. A microfiche
weighs less than a sheet of paper, so we could continue to send out the
complete Directory each year. The Directory would occupy about one-fifth of a
microfiche, so that we could place other documents or reprints of selected
legume literature on the remainder of the microfiche. To use a microfiche, a
microfiche reader must be at hand. We are concerned that the usability of the
Directory would be severely limited by placing it on a microfiche.
It has been decided to produce the Directory on a three-year schedule, and
combine its production with a culling of the mailing list. This year, 1992, a
complete printed Directory is being sent to each Reader. In 1993 and 1994,
separate printed directory supplements will be sent to each Reader. New
Readers will receive copies of the complete 1992 Directory and of the
supplements. The Readers will have to keep their 1992 Directory until 1995.
In 1995, the mailing list will be culled, and a complete printed Directory
will be sent to each Reader. This will start a new three-year cycle.
Bean Bag address: SB&ML, Bldg. 265, BARC-East Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 USA
From the Editors
Joseph H. Kirkbride, Jr. and John H. Wiersema
This is the first issue of the Bean Bag without the participation of
Charles R. (Bob) Gunn as co-editor. We thank him very much for 17 years of
outstanding service as an editor of the Bean Bag. We would also like to take
this opportunity to thank the Agricultural Research Service of the US
Department of Agriculture for their continuing financial support of the Bean
The Bean Bag (BB) is designed to promote communication among research
scientists concerned with legume systematics. To achieve this goal the BB is
issued in May and November of each year and features six columns: From the
Editors, News (meetings, major events, announcements, etc.), Latin American
Legume Report, Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation (new nodulation records),
Gleanings, and Recent Legume Literature. Data in the Gleanings column are
derived from questionnaire sheets which Readers complete and return. If you
have news about legume systematics, send it to us for this column. The Recent
Legume Literature column contains published research papers of specific
interest to BB Readers. Recent is defined as one year old. We rarely will
publish a citation that is more than one year old. Specific interest to BB
Readers is defined as research papers of interest to a worldwide group of
legume systematic botanists. We encourage BB Readers to send us notices,
observations, etc.
Diacritical marks can now be placed in the BB. If such marks should be
placed in your name, address, publications, etc., please let us know. We are
especially interested in correcting our Directory.
Electronic copies of the BB and the Directory can be obtained from TAXACOM
or through Internet at HUH.HARVARD.EDU. TAXACOM is a free online service for
biosystematics and biogeography at the Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo, New
York, USA. The system operator is Dr. Richard H. Zander. TAXACOM is
available 24 hours daily at telephone number 716-896-7581 using 2400/1200/300
bps, 8 data bits, 1 bit stop, and no parity. Outside of the USA use CCITT at
2400 bps, otherwise use Bell protocols. HUH.HARVARD.EDU is a free service on
Internet maintained by Dr. James Beach at the Harvard University Herbaria,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Connect to HUH.HARVARD.EDU via FTP using the
name FTP and the password FTP, and copies of the BB and the Directory are in
the subdirectory /PUB/NEWSLETTERS/BEANBAG.
In Memorial
Rob Geesink
1945 - 1992
Frits Adema, Jeannette Ridder-Numan, and Anne Schot
On 2 September 1992, Dr. Rob Geesink passed away. After his biology
studies, he joined the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, in 1972. He made important
contributions to taxonomy of Southeast Asian plant groups, especially
Portulacaceae and Papilionoideae of Fabaceae. He participated in many
expeditions to Thailand and Borneo, and also contributed to the floras of
Thailand and Hawaii. Of great importance is his work on the translation and
revision of Thonner's Analytical Key to the Families of Flowering Plants.
Until 1989 he put all of his energy into the Flora Malesiana in his official
function as chairman of the research group of tropical phanerogams.
In his thesis, Scala Millettiearum (1984), he treated the enormously
complicated group of genera accumulated in this tribe. His great interest in
phylogeny and theoretical aspects of systematics was apparent in it, and he
subsequently vigorously developed that interest. His description of `natural'
relationships with application of formal logic, theories of probabilities, and
even the second law of thermodynamics, were totally different from commonly
used methods. He inspired many students and staff members of his institute
and established an active reading circle on the theory of systematics and
Rob Geesink had a very creative mind and was open to all new ideas which
he reviewed critically. Fiercely he defended those ideas with which he agreed
and refuted those with which he disagreed. With his passing we have lost an
enthusiastic, inspiring, and honest colleague and friend. We will miss his
Our sympathy goes out to his wife Dia and three young children, Willem,
Anne-Hess, and Janna.
Third International Legume Conference
12-19 July 1992
Roger M. Polhill
The Third International Conference, held on 12-19 July 1992 at the Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew, involved 200 delegates from 30 countries. The focus of
the meeting was on the evolution of legumes and was divided into several
interlinked sessions - higher level systematics, the fossil record, structural
botany, nitrogen economy, and the evolution of certain cultivated legumes.
The 48 papers presented were mostly reviews of relevant topics, but 111 poster
papers were also displayed and linked to the spoken presentations by
discussion. Receptions were provided in conjunction with extended poster
sessions to fully involve all the participants. Demonstrations were also
given of several computer programs and a demonstration of the International
Legume Database and Information Service. Two satellite meetings were also
held - the Third ILDIS Workshop at the University of Southampton on 7-9 July
and the Seventh Meeting of the International Group for the Study of the
Mimosoideae at Kew on 20-21 July.
Regular readers of the Bean Bag will be aware that the meeting had been
planned since 1988 so that some aspects of research and coordination could be
commissioned. The convenors were selected from several countries and a
special meeting was hosted by the Missouri Botanical Garden in November 1990
to plan the structure. The outline was followed closely in the final program,
but it was most gratifying that so many aspects selected proved to be exactly
opportune and that so much excellent data could be brought out at the meeting.
There was a strong feeling of excitement as the very recent progress became
apparent. It was also notable that much of this was being presented by young
research workers with great enthusiasm to learn new techniques and concepts.
The meeting clearly met the principal objectives beyond expectation and was
widely recognized as outstandingly successful.
The most important shift in emphasis in recent years has been the use of
molecular systematics to provide new and exciting genetic data to complement
other suites of information for systematic purposes, allowing also for a more
refined assessment of plant uses and strategies for plant breeding. An
increasing number of relatively convenient techniques to assess modifications
in DNA are becoming available. The meeting provided a very useful opportunity
to compare techniques and to assess their relative value for different
problems from the species level to that of major groups of genera. The
results are extremely encouraging at all hierarchial levels and their value to
the assessment and development of various legume crops was particularly
The assessment of evolutionary relationships has been greatly improved by
the wide acceptance of cladistic methods. Advances have been made in the
taxonomy of a number of important tribes and the prospects elsewhere are very
promising. Considerable emphasis was placed on the basal groups of the family
which are predictably the most difficult to resolve taxonomically, but
substantial progress has been made with a variety of approaches. New surveys
of morphological features relating to wood, leaves, flowers, pollen, fruits,
and seeds, have improved our understanding, as have new data from the study of
anther-walls and embryology. Special attention was given this time to the
fossil record. A specially commissioned volume, Advances in Legume
Systematics, Part 4, The Fossil Record, was published immediately before the
meeting and synthesized a great deal of information not previously widely
known to legume researchers. There were correspondingly lively discussions at
the meeting and the opportunity to provide a historical background to the
discussion on higher level systematics.
The session devoted to the nitrogen factor in legume evolution provided a
very useful focus to analyze what is special about legumes and what makes them
so important to the human economy. Much progress has been made in our
understanding of nitrogen acquisition systems and the evolution of rhizobial
and mycorrhizal associations. There are costs and benefits in this competive
edge that legumes have over most other plant families, and it was possible to
review this on a broad scale and illustrate specific models, including the
significance of grain legume selection.
The final day was devoted to macromolecular and cytogenetic evidence for
the evolutionary processes associated with domestication and differentiation
in cultivated and wild plants. Relationships between crop plants and wild
species can be quantitatively assessed by techniques similar to those used in
higher order systematics. The establishment of common ground between those
who study evolution over geological time and those who study it over the ten
thousand years of agriculture made an appropriate endpoint to the meeting.
The proceedings of the meeting will be published by the Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew, as four volumes, Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 5 - The
Nitrogen Factor, Part 6 - Structural Botany, Part 7 - Phylogeny, and Part 8 -
Evolution and Domestication. The first two should appear in 1993, the second
pair by early 1994.
The success of the meeting was greatly enhanced by the generous support of
a number of donors, with special acknowledgement to the Directorate General
for Science, Research and Development of the Commission of the European
Communities, the National Science Foundation of the USA, the British Council,
the Commonwealth Science Council, and the Royal Society of London. The travel
grants allowed an excellent representation from many countries and from
various disciplines in a way that is very helpful for advancing legume science
in the future. We look forward to plans for the next meeting.
A New Publication
from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4
The Fossil Record
Edited by
P.S. Herendeen and D.L. Dilcher
J.M. Lock
The latest volume in the Advances in Legume Systematics series addresses
the fossil history of the Leguminosae. While modern legumes are among the
most diverse and important groups of plants, very little has been written
about their history. The fossil record of legumes, especially tertiary
legumes, is surprisingly good, yet paleobotanical data have contributed very
little to understanding legume evolutionary patterns and relationships.
The book is a comprehensive assessment of legume paleontology. There are
16 contributions divided into three sections [Each individual contribution is
cited below in RECENT LEGUME LITERATURE]. The first deals with specific taxa:
Podogonium, `Pterocarpus' and Caesalpinia from Europe, Acacia from the
Caribbean, a synopsis of fossil mimosoid wood, and an account of early Eocene
fossil Papilionoid flowers. The second consists of regional studies covering
SE North America, the Caribbean, Hungary, Abhkasia (Georgia), China, India,
and New Zealand. A final section includes three more general papers on
climatic pulses and legume evolution, fossil legume wood, and a summary
chapter on the phylogenetic and biogeographical implications of the fossil
The 336-page book is extensively illustrated with line and half-tone
figures, and is available from The Kew Shop, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, United Kingdom, price Pound sterling 24.00 in the
shop or Pound sterling 27.60 including packing and surface postage world-wide.
Payment must be in Pound sterling or by VISA or MASTERCARD.
... <abridged>
Eds. Note: Author names in all capital letters are BB Readers. Their full
names and addresses are listed in November 1992 BB Directory. Correspondence
about their articles should be sent directly to them.
ARONSON. 1991. Description and distribution of Acacia macracantha Humb. et
Bonpl. ex Willd. (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) in northern Chile. Gayana Bot.
48: 81-87.
ARONSON and C. Saravia Toledo. 1992. Caesalpinia paraguariensis (Fabaceae):
Forage tree for all seasons. Econ. Bot. 46(2): 121-132.
Awasthi, N. 1992. Indian fossil legumes. Pp. 225-250 in: HERENDEEN and
DILCHER, eds., Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4. The Fossil Record.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Axelrod, D.I. 1992. Climatic pulses, a major factor in legume evolution. Pp.
259-279 in: HERENDEEN and DILCHER, eds., Advances in Legume Systematics, Part
4. The Fossil Record. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Bandyopadhyay, S., B.D. Sharma, and THOTHATHRI. 1992. A new subspecies of
Bauhinia ornata (Leguminosae) from India. Nord. J. Bot. 12(2): 223-224.
BARNEBY. 1992. Centennial beans: A miscellany of American Fabales.
Brittonia 44(2): 224-239.
BARNEBY. 1991. A new unifoliolate Lupinus (Fabaceae: Lupininae) from the
Brazilian Planalto. Brittonia 43(3): 168-170.
BERNAL and J.E. Correa. 1992. Fabaceae-Faboideae. In: Especies vegetales
promisorias de los paises del Convenio Andr\!es Bello. 1va. edici\!on. Editora
Guadalupe Ltda. Santaf\!e de Bogot\!a-Colombiz. Tomo VIII. 550 pp.
Buzek, C. 1992. Fruits of "Pterocarpus" tertiarius Weyland from the
North-Bohemian Basin, Czechoslovakia. Pp. 19-31 in: HERENDEEN and DILCHER,
eds., Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4. The Fossil Record. Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew.
CANNON. 1991. A revision of Phyllachora and some similar genera on the host
family Leguminosae. Mycologia Papers 163: 1-302.
CARDENAS. 1989. Inga neblinensis (Leguminosae; Mimosoideae) a new species
from the southern part of Venezuela. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 76(4):
1179-1181. In Spanish with English summary.
CHEN, SUN, and M. Mizuno. 1992. On the genus Euchresta Benn. (Leguminosae)
with "Wallace's Line." Acta Phytotax. Sin. 30(1): 43-56.
Chung, Y. and S. Lee. 1991. Studies on the wing petal morphology of the
Sophora group. Korean J. Pl. Tax. 21(1): 37-54. Key and descriptions to wing
petal morphology of 10 genera presented.
Cole, C.T. and D.D. Biesboer. 1992. Monomorphism, reduced gene flow, and
cleistogamy in rare and common species of Lespedeza (Fabaceae). Amer. J. Bot.
79(5): 567-575.
Contreras and LEWIS. 1992. A new species of Caesalpinia
(Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae) from Mexico. Kew Bull. 47(2): 309-313.
Crepet, W.L. and HERENDEEN. 1992. Papilionoid flowers from the early eocene
of southeastern North America. Pp. 43-55 in: HERENDEEN and DILCHER, eds.,
Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4. The Fossil Record. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew.
CUBERO and M.C. Saxena, eds. 1991. Present status and future prospects of
faba bean production and improvement in the Mediterranean countries. Options
M\!editerraneennes, Serie A: Seminaires M\!editerraneennes, n\!umero 10.
CIHEAM/ECC/ICARDA, Zaragoza, Spain. 179 pp.
Den Outer, R.W. and W.L.H. Van Veenendaal. 1992. Wood anatomy of the Baphia
group (Leguminosae). Int. Assoc. Wood Anat. Bull. 13(2): 135-149.
Derstine, K.S. and TUCKER. 1991. Organ initiation and development of
inflorescence and flowers of Acacia baileyana. Amer. J. Bot. 78: 816-832.
DILCHER, HERENDEEN, and F. Hueber. 1992. Fossil Acacia flowers with attached
anther glands from Dominican Republic amber. Pp. 33-42 in: HERENDEEN and
DILCHER, eds., Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4. The Fossil Record.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
DOYLE. 1991. The pros and cons of DNA systematic data: Studies of the wild
perennial relatives of soybean. Evolutionary Trends in Plants 5: 99-104.
DOYLE. 1991. Evolution of higher plant glutamine synthetase genes: Tissue
specificity as a criterion for predicting orthology. Molecular Biology and
Evolution 8: 366-377. Phylogeny of legume GS genes involved in nodulation.
DOYLE and J.L. Doyle. 1991. DNA and higher plant systematics: Some examples
from the legumes. Pp. 101-115 in: G. Hewitt, A.W.B. Johnson, and J.P.W. Young,
eds., Molecular Techniques in Taxonomy. NATO ASI Series H, Cell Biology Vol.
DOYLE, LAVIN, and BRUNEAU. 1992. Contributions of molecular data to
Papilionoid legume systematics. Pp. 223-251 in: P.S. Soltis, D.E. Soltis, and
DOYLE, eds., Molecular Systematics of Plants. Chapman and Hall, NY.
Engel, T. 1992. Petiolar anatomy of North American Astragalus (Fabaceae)
with persistent petioles. Aliso 13(2): 339-346. Results compared with Old
World Astragalus and Astracantha.
FANTZ. 1991. Ethnobotany of Clitoria (Leguminosae). Econ. Bot. 45(4):
FANTZ and PREDEEP. 1992. Comments on four legumes (Clitoria, Centrosema)
reported as occurring in India. Sida 15(1): 1-7.
GRAHAM. 1992. The current status of the legume fossil record in the
Caribbean region. Pp. 161-167 in: HERENDEEN and DILCHER, eds., Advances in
Legume Systematics, Part 4. The Fossil Record. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Greinwald, R., P. Bachmann, L. Witte, ACEBES-GINOVES, and F.-C. Czygan. 1992.
Taxonomic significance of alkaloids in the genus Adenocarpus
(Fabaceae-Genisteae). Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 20(1): 69-73.
GRIMES. 1992. Metamerism, heterochrony, and inflorescence morphology of the
Pithecellobium complex (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: Ingeae). Brittonia 44:
GRIMES. 1992. Lectotypification of Acacia tenuifolia (L.) Willdenow, and
description of a new variety, Acacia tenuifolia var. producta, from the
Guianas. Brittonia 44: 266-269.
Gros, J.P. 1992. A synopsis of the fossil record of mimosoid legume wood.
Pp. 69-83 in: HERENDEEN and DILCHER, eds., Advances in Legume Systematics,
Part 4. The Fossil Record. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
GUINET and CACCAVARI. 1992. Pollen morphology of the genus Stryphnodendron
(Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) in relation to its taxonomy. Grana 31: 101-112.
Guo, S.-X. and Z.-K. Zhou. 1992. The megafossil legumes from China. Pp.
207-223 in: HERENDEEN and DILCHER, eds., Advances in Legume Systematics, Part
4. The Fossil Record. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
HABLY. 1992. Distribution of legumes in the Tertiary of Hungary. Pp. 169-187
in: HERENDEEN and DILCHER, eds., Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4. The
Fossil Record. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Hammer, K., M. Esquivel, and H. Kn\$upffer, eds. 1992. "...y tienen faxones y
fabas muy diversos de los nuestros..." Origin, evolution and diversity of
Cuban plant genetic resources, vols. 1-2. Institute f\$ur Pflanzengenetik und
Kulturpflanzenforschung, Gatersleben, Germany. The first 2 volumes of this
planned 3- volume work have just been published. Volume 1 includes 3 articles
on "Natural and ethnohistorical causes of the diversity of Cuban agriculture,"
10 articles on "Origin and diversity of Cuban Agriculture from an
ethnobotanical point of view," and a report on the database of cultivated
plants of Cuba. Volume 2 is devoted to an inventory or checklist of the 1,045
cultivated taxa of Cuba. By family, Leguminosae are most numerous, with 164
species listed. Each entry, arranged alphabetically, includes accepted names,
synonyms, family name, Cuban folk names, uses, origin, additional information,
and literature references. Indices to families and genera, uses, synonyms,
and folk names are also provided.
HERENDEEN. 1992. A reevaluation of the fossil genus Podogonium Heer. Pp.
3-18 in: HERENDEEN and DILCHER, eds., Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4.
The Fossil Record. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
HERENDEEN. 1992. The fossil history of the Leguminosae from the Eocene of
southeastern North America. Pp. 85-160 in: HERENDEEN and DILCHER, eds.,
Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4. The Fossil Record. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew.
HERENDEEN and P.R. Crane. 1992. Early caesalpinioid fruits from the
Palaeocene of southern England. Pp. 57-68 in: HERENDEEN and DILCHER, eds.,
Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4. The Fossil Record. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew.
HERENDEEN, W.L. Crepet, and DILCHER. 1992. The fossil history of the
Leguminosae: Phylogenetic and biogeographic implications. Pp. 303-316 in:
HERENDEEN and DILCHER, eds., Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4. The
Fossil Record. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
HOC. 1992. Notulae ad Floram paraquaiensem. 34. Sinonimia en el g\!enero
Pithecellobium C. Martius (Leguminosae-Ingeae). Candollea 47: 89-92.
LABAT. 1991. Abrus longibracteatus, une esp\@ece nouvelle de
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae du Laos et de Vi\%etnam. Bull. Mus. natl. Hist. nat.
ser. 4, sect. B, Adansonia 13: 167-171.
LAVIN. 1992. Evolutionary relationships of the genus Robinia. Pp. 61-77 in:
J.W. Hanover, K. Miller, and S. Plesko, eds., Black Locust: Biology, culture,
and utilization. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, Michigan.
LEEN. 1992. Cytisus striatus. Madro\#no 39(1): 79.
LERSTEN, GUNN, and BRUBAKER. 1992. Comparative morphology of the lens on
legume (Fabaceae) seeds, with emphasis on species in subfamilies
Caesalpinioideae and Mimosoideae. USDA Techn. Bull. no. 1791. 44 pp. 29
species in 27 genera of Caesalpinioideae (13 species, 13 genera, from all 5
tribes) and Mimosoideae (16 species, 14 genera, from all five tribes) were
surveyed by SEM.
LEWIS. 1992. Two new species of Aeschynomene (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae)
from Brazil. Kew Bull. 47(1): 141-145.
LEWIS. 1992. Camptosema scarlatinum var. pubescens. Kew Mag. 9(1): 12-14.
LEWIS. 1992. A new species of Canavalia (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) from
Brazil. Kew Bull. 47(2): 305-307.
Li, R.-J., X.-J. Liu, M. Liu, and M.-Y. Liu. 1991. Biosystematical studies
on northeast China Vicia L. II. Karyotype analysis and evolution of V. amoena
complex. Bull. Bot. Res. 11(4): 75-80. In Chinese with English summary.
Li, R.-J., X.-J. Liu, M. Liu, and M.-Y. Liu. 1992. Biosystematical studies
on northeast China Vicia L. III. Preliminary cytological observations on Vicia
cracca group. Bull. Bot. Res. 12(2): 163-167. In Chinese with English
LIMA, Haroldo. 1989-1990. Tribe Dalbergieae (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) -
Morphology of fruits, seeds, and seedlings and its application to taxonomy.
Arq. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 30: 1-42. In Portuguese with English summary.
LISTON. 1992. Variation in the chloroplast genes rpoC1 and rpoC2 of the
genus Astragalus (Fabaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 79: 953-961.
LISTON. 1992. Isozyme systematics of Astragalus sect. Leptocarpi subsect.
Californici (Fabaceae). Syst. Bot. 17(3): 367-379.
MAASSOUMI and S. Tietz. 1991. Astragalus ghamsaricus, a new species of the
section Megalocystis Bunge (Leguminosae). Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. M\$unchen 30:
MAXTED. 1991. Cytotaxonomic studies of eastern Mediterranean Vicia species
(Leguminosae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 177: 221-234.
MAXTED. 1992. An ecogeographic study of Vicia subgenus Vicia. Systematic and
ecogeographic studies in crop genepools. IBPGR, Rome.
MAXTED, A.M.A. Khattab, and BISBY. 1991. The newly discovered relatives of
Vicia faba L. do little to resolve the enigma of its origin. Bot. Chron. 10:
435-465. Phenetic analysis of Vicia sect. Faba and a discussion of other
evidence from literature.
NIELSEN and GUINET. 1992. Synopsis of Adenanthera (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae).
Nord. J. Bot. 12(1): 85-114. 12 spp. recognized.
Niembro-Rocas, A. and M.T. Yong Medina. 1992. Morpholog\!ia de las semillas de
Inga jinicuil Schlecht. Una planta le\#nosa tropical de importancia
agroforestal. Semina 1(): 1-4.
Niembro-Rocas, A. 1992. Formato descriptivo para la caracterizaci\!on
morfol\!ogica de semillas de leguminosas de importancia agroforestal. Semina
2(): 1-23.
NIYOMDHAM. 1992. Notes on Thai and Indo-Chinese Phaseoleae
(Leguminosae-Papilionoideae). Nord. J. Bot. 12(3): 339-346.
OLIVEIRA. 1991. Aeschynomene indica L. no Brasil: Primeira cit\*c\#ao.
Iheringia, s\!er. Bot., Porto Alegre 41: 3-8.
Oliver, E.G.H., A.C. Fellingham, and VAN WYK. 1992. Notes on African plants.
Fabaceae: A new species of Priestleya from the southwestern Cape. Bothalia
22(1): 47-51.
Padulosi, S. and N.Q. Ng. 1990. Wild Vigna species in Africa: Their
collection and potential utilization. Pp. 58-77 in: N.Q. Ng and L.M. Monti,
eds., Cowpea genetic resources: Contributions in cowpea exploration,
evaluation and research from Italy and the International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture. Ibadan, Nigeria.
Pienaar, B.J. 1991. The Vigna vexillata complex (Fabaceae) in southern
Africa. S. African J. Bot. 57(5): 236-245.
Pienaar, B.J. 1991. A new species of Vigna Savi (Fabaceae) from southern
Africa. S. African J. Bot 57(6): 314-318.
PLANCHUELO. 1990. Flower morphology of Lupinus gibertianus complex and its
relation with cultivated species (abstract). VI Int. Lupin Conf.,
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